Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dear Nicole Arbour

I'm warning you now that what I'm posting about today is something that has made me very angry, so if you don't want to read a post that seems like there is anger and frustration flowing throughout it, it might be best for you not to read this one. I'm going to try to contain myself but I'm not making any promises because once I get my thoughts flowing I never know what's going to happen. 

I don't know if you've ever heard of Nicole Arbour, but she is basically a Jenna Marbles wannabe youtuber. She's pretty irrelevant in the world of youtube and I've only just learned about her existence myself because of a video of hers that has gone viral. This video, as you may or may not have heard about or seen, is entitled Dear Fat People. And it only gets worse from there.

I am going to post the video here, not because I want people to watch it or because I want to give her views, but because, if you choose, you can see what I'm talking about and form your own opinion and I also believe it will help me give a better response and enable you to follow along better. So many people have already seen this video. It has millions of views and, honestly, I believe she is quite pleased with the views it has and I truly believe that at this point, since it has so many views already, not watching it isn't really going to make that much of a difference. What is going to make a difference is speaking out.

Before I dive into everything wrong with what she did in that video, let me tell you something about her. She thinks she is quite the comedian. She is constantly reminding us in her videos, in her bio, on twitter (I only know this because I've seen her everywhere the past few days, not because I follow her, which I don't and won't) that what she does is comedy because she is a comedian. Even if she wasn't a horrific bully that right there would make me dislike her. First off, she knows nothing about comedy or being a comedian. If you have to constantly remind people that you're a comedian, you're doing something wrong. Secondly, she's not funny. If you're not funny, you're not a comedian. And she likes to tell people that if we get offended or don't find her humorous, the problem is that we don't have a sense of humor or get jokes and are trying to kill comedy. It couldn't possibly that she's just not funny. At all. And I know a lot of what is and is not funny is subjective, but if you are at the point where you are calling yourself a comedian, that's saying a lot. People who are comedians don't just wake up one day and decide they are a comedian. It's a career that takes work. People have to learn how to do a comedy routine. They have to learn how to present jokes and what is and is not good and appropriate material. It's a lot of work. You can't just proclaim yourself a comedian because you think you're funny and make stupid youtube videos. A few people here and there might find her horrific "jokes" funny and she may think she's the bees knees but that doesn't make her a comedian and I think it's insulting to real comedians that she considers herself one of them. And, really, if you look around, more people hate her than are entertained by her. Doesn't sound too great for someone who is such an awesome comedian. 

So, this post will probably take a while because I found basically every sentence disgusting and drowning in ignorance and I want to address as many of them as I can. And, as will you notice, I am paraphrasing most of the sentences just to show what I am responding to because I don't think it's necessary for me to write her script word for word, especially since I have posted the video itself.

1. Dear fat people....some people are already really mad about this video. What are you going to do fat people? Chase me? It's going to be like f------- Frankenstein.* Not so fast. Zombies have apparently gotten faster....

This is a poor intro for various reasons but the flaws that are most obvious to me is starting out with a statement that she knows is offensive, acknowledges that she knows it's offensive and then, instead of continuing with the point of the video, added insult to injury and mocked the physical abilities of overweight people. Then, she dramatically veered off topic talking about Frankenstein and zombies for no reason whatsoever. So, here's the thing about that, that is an incredibly poor introduction for someone who considers themselves a comedian and I think real comedians would cringe at it. Not just because it was in poor taste, but because its's a very bad way to begin a comedy routine. You don't begin something with an inflammatory statement, tell people you know they are mad, use the very next sentence to mock them and then get distracted and start talking about a TV show. That's not how you engage an audience, that's how you enrage an audience. So far, all you have done is said some cruel words at their expense and then rambled on about nothing, completely disregarding anything your audience may be feeling at the moment. So you're video has barely started and everyone pretty much already hates you and it's your own fault.

2. Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That's the race card with no race.

Fat shaming is not a thing? How low does your I.Q. have to be to actually believe that people can't be made to feel ashamed of their weight if they are being mocked and belittled because of it? I'm sure you've heard of body shaming? How does this not fall into that? You are mocking someone because of the way their body is. If you are bullying someone because you think they are fat, that's fat shaming. You are shaming them for being fat. The definition is in the phrase. You can be shamed for anything and everything. All that has to happen for it to be a thing is for someone to do it and Nicole Arbour just proved fat shaming is definitely a thing. And now she brings race into it? There is no reason to compare the two because they are both separate issues.

3. ...That means you're too fat. You should stop eating.

This next point is very important. Never ever tell people to stop eating. Nicole Arbour is the poster child for ignorance of physical health. She is telling people who are overweight that the reason they are overweight is because they eat too much and the way to fix that is to stop eating. She is literally telling them to be skinny, not healthy. I don't care how overweight you are or what the reason for it is,  but not eating is the worst advice you can give to anyone about losing weight. You should never stop eating in order to lose weight. That is not how you lose weight. It's actually a very dangerous way to try and lose weight and if Nicole Arbour wasn't an idiot and had done even the tiniest amount of research before uploading her video, she would know that. And it's almost worse that she calls this a joke. Nicole, this "joke" could end up causing people to put themselves in danger. Calling it a joke doesn't make it okay to say. Jokes can be cruel, as you have shown us.

4. There's a race card, a disability card and a gay card because gay people are discriminated against and wrongfully so.

Now she's bringing gay rights into it. She's jumping all over the place, touching on a lot of important, controversial social issues and making little to no sense. Everything she says is grounded in embarrassing ignorance. I don't even know what she means by "a card". She's trying to show she's for equality while belittling and dehumanizing an entire body type. So, according to her, it's not okay to mock and laugh at people because of their sexuality and race, but it's totally okay to do that if they're fat because it's "comedy"? This girl does not get to pick who does and does not get a "card" based on who she decides is discriminated against. This is where we get to see what a hypocrite she is because if someone made a video like this about any of the those types of people she mentioned above, she would think that was mean and in poor taste and absolutely inappropriate. But I say if people like Nicole Arbour are going to treat people like this and talk about them that way because of their weight, they absolutely get a card despite anything this ignorant bully says. She has no idea what she's talking about. She knows nothing about discrimination or health and is proud of it.

5. Are you going to tell the doctor that they're being "mean" and "fat shaming" you when they tell you have heart disease?

Wow. She is literally parading around her stupidity and proud of it. I hardly know where to begin with this. For one thing, no one is accusing doctors of fat shaming. We're accusing her of fat shaming.  What she is doing and what doctors do are completely different. I don't even know why she brought them up. It doesn't justify what she's doing at all. If a doctor tells you that you have heart disease, that's not mocking and belittling you because they think you're fat. They are informing you of a health condition. She is mocking and belittle people for being fat. So, Nicole, despite what doctors do, YOU are fat shaming. You aren't informing people they have heart disease after performing a medical exam. You haven't spent years studying in medical school and are therefore qualified to make a diagnosis. You made a video where you dehumanize and viciously mock people for being overweight and then call it satire. So, no, Nicole, I would not say a doctor would be mean or fat shaming by informing someone they have heart disease. I would say you are mean and fat shaming for casting shame on people who are overweight and assume the only possible reason is eating too much food. It's like you never matured past the age of 14.

6. If there's people watching this with a specific health condition, this is not aimed at you. I'm talking about the 35% of North Americans who are obese

Oh, she's not talking about people with specific health conditions? Oh, good! Wow, she really redeemed herself here! I was thinking she was bullying all fat people, even people who have health conditions that cause them to gain weight. But as long as she is only bullying people who are overweight and don't have health conditions, then I am totally fine with that. Because it doesn't matter   that you are bullying people, it only matters who you are bullying. If people are fat not because of a health condition it's absolutely okay to bully them.

Nicole, I don't know how else to phrase this except for that you're an idiot. You literally just took a jab at people with heart disease and then in the very next sentence said you weren't talking about them. But you were just aiming your cruel words at people with heart disease! You can't tell why a person is overweight just by looking at them. You are assuming most people are fat because they overeat but if you cared to educate yourself on this just a little bit (and you really should) you would find that most people do not become obese because they are greedy and gluttonous. There are a million things that can cause weight gain and if a big part of it is eating, eating that much food is usually a symptom of a deeper problem that is probably psychological and taking away food won't fix it. So shut up you ignorant jerk before you do some real damage.

7. Big boned isn't a thing. How stupid do I look?

Um, actually Nicole, big boned IS a thing. It's not a medical term and the only difference it would make in weight is a couple of pounds, but it's real. No, it doesn't cause people to be overweight but it absolutely exists. And it's not about how stupid you look, it's about how stupid you actually are. You are literally the least educated person I've seen on physical health and you are doing a video acting like you're some expert. But every word out of your mouth is based in error and narrow minded thinking and your reasoning is extremely weak and dramatically flawed.

8. Yes, shame people who have bad habits until they stop. If we offend you so much that you lose weight, I'm okay with that.

Shame people who have bad habits until they stop. Is this girl for real? So, Nicole, if I shame you for your bad habit of bullying people and calling it comedy, will you stop? Didn't think so. You know why? Because as most people understand, shaming the way someone looks doesn't do anything helpful! If you shame people for being fat, that doesn't help them become healthy. In fact, as studies have shown and just basically living on earth, when you shame people for being fat, it actually causes them to become even more unhealthy and gain more weight. You are not helping, you are hurting. Bullying people has never helped anyone get better. Mocking someone is not how you help them stop a certain behavior. And even if someone did lose weight because they were mocked about it so much, I would be concerned. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to lose weight. Even if you are overweight it matters how you lose it and people who are typically shamed and bullied into losing weight do not do it in healthy ways and that's dangerous. You are not helping people be healthy this way. All you are doing is going to make them more unhealthy by either gaining weight or losing it in a way that hazardous to their health. But what do you care as long you don't have to look at their fat, right? You goal should not be to offend people into losing weight. That is disgusting. When people hear others mocking and laughing at them because of their weight, they aren't inspired to lose weight and be healthy. They just hate themselves and think of themselves as garbage. You just said if you bully people so much that they lose weight, not caring how or why it's done as long as they lose weight, then you're okay with that. You shouldn't be okay with that.

9. Obesity is a disease? Yeah, so is being a shopaholic but I don't get a parking pass. Fat people parking spots should at the back of the parking lot. Walk to the door and lose some calories.

Wow, wrong again. Obesity is a disease and being a shopaholic is not. I can barely stand the ignorance of this woman. If you knew anything, you would know that obesity is not just caused by overeating and can't be cured by just burning calories. You are literally hurting people with your ignorance. There are no "fat people" parking spots. There are handicapped parking spots for people who have all sorts of different handicaps. Obesity can be considered a handicap because, chances are, if you are obese, there are probably some other health issues going on there that Nicole, if she wasn't an idiot, would know can't be fixed by not eating and losing calories.

10. your family and friends crying because they lost you too soon because you needed to have a coke plus fries.

Once again assuming that obesity is caused by nothing more than disregarding healthy eating habits. Once again, showing off how dumb she is.

11. The most obese person got to the front of the line because they said their knees were hurting. I only came an hour early like I was supposed to but you overeat let me help you.

Remember when I said you can't tell why someone is overweight by looking at them? Yeah, that's still true. So, everyone, if you have a health condition, she's not talking to you but if she sees you on the street, she's going to assume you overeat and internally mock and judge you. What a jerk. And then she proceeds to describe their fat in the most inconsiderate, cruel terms she can think of. All in an effort to make people laugh. Ha. Ha.

12. So I wait an extra ten, fifteen, twenty minutes. Now I'm not going to have time to get Starbucks.

You poor, mistreated individual. An extra twenty minutes? No Starbucks? I can't imagine what you must be going through right now.

13. Now I'm getting felt up by security because I'm always selected. Brown people, it's me and you on that.

Yeah, in case you're not enough of a jerk already, why don't you racially profile brown people?

14. So I'm finally in my seat and then the stewardess asks me "hi we have a disabled passenger would you mind switching seats?" And because I'm not an asshole I'm like "oh yes of course." Oh look, it's fat family. Jabba the son sits right beside me.

Wait, how are you not an asshole? This whole video all you have done is be an asshole. You mean you're not an asshole unless the person is fat? Sorry, but that makes you a legitimate asshole. Because now you are picking on fat children. You are the poster child for assholes.

15. His fat was on my lap. It was actually on my lap. I took the handle and I squished it down and said "my seat, your seat." I actually took his fat and pushed it into his seat and I held it. He was fine. He was just fat.

HOW DO YOU KNOW? DID HE GIVE YOU A RECORD OF HIS MEDICAL HISTORY? And this is coming from someone who just said she wasn't an asshole. Man, if this what you're like when you think you're not an asshole, I'd hate to see what you're like when you think you are one.

16. Yes, genetics plays a part in things to a degree, of course.

Oh, please don't get into genetics like you know anything about them. You clearly have no knowledge of this whatsoever and everything you say is just clouded in error. Don't go into genetics. You don't want to give people another reason to think you're an idiot. We have plenty of reasons already.

17. And I'm not saying all this to be an asshole, I'm saying this because your friends should be saying it to you.

No, your friends should not be saying this to you and if they are, they're not your friends. And I don't care why she thinks she's saying it, all she is doing is being an asshole. That's it.

18. The truth is I will actually love you no matter what.

Yeah, actions speak louder than words, asshole. And you just showed us that you won't.

19. I really hope this bomb of truth exploding into your face...will seep into your soul and makes you want to be healthier so we can enjoy you as human beings longer on this planet.

I hate this ending so much. And here's why: this is not a bomb of truth! This is a bomb of cruelty and ignorance. She said no truth whatsoever. All she said in this video is that you're fat because you eat too much and there's no such thing as bullying fat people. What kind of truth is that? And bullying does not make people want to be healthier. It never has and it never will.

I really could have delved more into it and I skipped a lot of things she said. Mostly I just skipped her comparing to fat to things that make no sense and crappy act outs but I think I got the most important things in there.

But now I want to say Nicole is, understandably, receiving a lot of backlash for this hateful video and she is trying to mask what it is really doing and excuse it by calling it comedy. Bullying people for entertainment reasons doesn't make it okay. I don't care if you think it's comedy. This comedy sucks and is inappropriate. Calling it a joke doesn't make it any better. You can't mask atrocious hate by saying you are only hating on people because you care about them. That's a load of crap. What you did in that video was not caring and since we aren't idiots like you are, we're not falling for it.

And then she says she doesn't care what we think or if we are offended but that's not true. Know why? Because she disabled the comments on this video and made another video to tell us all how much she doesn't care that we are offended. But if you take so much time telling people how much you don't care, it kinda seems like you do care. A lot. And you should care. You are trying to entertain an audience, right? Trying to make people laugh? Well if you don't care how your audience is receiving your "comedy" you aren't going to have much of an audience. I hope you continue "not caring" because eventually you'll have to delete your channel because nobody watches it and we won't be subjected to your embarrassing ignorance anymore. And she is learning that disabling comments doesn't keep people from speaking out.

But those are my thoughts and Nicole Arbour and her video, scattered though they may be. I just could not keep silent after seeing something as awful as that. When you put a video on youtube, anyone can see it, including children. And no, she's not responsible for what children see, but she is responsible for bullying them.

*I wanted to address this Frankenstein nonsense. Nicole is clearly an idiot and getting this literary reference wrong doesn't help her case. She tries to mock fat people by saying they run like Frankenstein. But what she would know if she wasn't stupid is that Frankenstein is not the monster. Frankenstein is the doctor who created the monster. So I don't know why she thinks he runs slowly. And his monster is not a zombie. She can't even get the parts where she's trying to be funny right.