Thursday, February 18, 2016

Face the Facts

Lately, this blog seems to have turned into a blog where I mostly discuss my opinions on social issues. But I'm okay with that really because social issues are important to me. I used to not care so much about them and if they were being discussed, I would generally just agree with the majority or stick to the lessons of my childhood. I only recently started looking at things for myself and doing independent research and I realized how much I actually care. 

These social issues, though most are stupid, are effecting our society in very real ways and that's why I write about them. People are being fired, put on trial and viciously harassed for things they are not guilty of because society screams at those in charge to do so. 

Society, as a whole, ignores facts. We don't look at evidence, we don't look at reports or statistics, we listen to the celebrities on twitter and read headlines. What happened to research? To not believing everything you read? People today read a CNN headline and take it as indisputable fact and this is hurting our country. From trigger warnings to safe places, we, as a society, have become a bunch of pathetic cry babies. 

So, let me tell you about a recent experience of mine.

First, I want to say that I don't really have a problem getting engaged in online arguments. I find them amusing at times, but that's not the main reason. I don't really go looking for them but they happen sometimes, you know? If I say something, I don't mind being challenged on it. I like being challenged. It helps reinforce my position and forces me to research what I say. I take these situations as an opportunity to educate myself. I don't expect to change some random youtube commenter or twitter user's mind, but I do hope that by opening a dialogue,that by being challenged and challenging others, helps people to be able to defend their position and be aware of the facts. So, generally, if I get involved in one of these scenarios, I try and remain level headed and don't say anything I can't or am not willing to support. I don't type in all caps or call people names. That's not to say I've never been hot headed or got a little too passionate, but generally, I remain calm and stick to an attitude of debate rather than argument. Mostly for my own benefit, as I already mentioned. 

The problem is, the people who generally pick fights with me or who I challenge are not on the same page. They are aggressive and insulting, calling me every name in the book, dismissing anything presented that is supported by evidence. And the problem here is that people are like that because no one wants to be disagreed with. We feel threatened by an opposing viewpoint and then the only way we can think to feel better about our own beliefs is to criticize and attack the other person. And I find that really sad. 

To illustrate this, here is an online exchange I was recently involved in on Twitter.

I don't know if you've ever heard of MTV Decoded (youtube channel) but I strongly suggest no one watch it. It's a very racist woman trying to preach to people about racism. She presents her prejudiced opinions as fact and has been right about very little. Her videos are unresearched and she has been blatantly wrong about historical events that aren't open to interpretation. 

So, after having seen a couple of these videos, I was appalled and in a state of disgust. So I tweeted the lady responsible for the videos. Knowing she has thousands of followers, I wasn't expecting her to see or respond to my tweet, but fully aware of what might happen if she did. 

And as luck would have it, she did. She saw it and responded to it. Now, since only her followers would see it, I was well aware if she retweeted it or responded, I would have to deal with her army of supporters and that's exactly what happened. But if I hadn't been willing to accept the consequences, I wouldn't have sent the tweet. 

I was immediately attacked. Aggressively. Name after name, insult after insult. And while the goal of these attackers was to make me feel stupid and ashamed for daring to have a different opinion, that's not what it did (and, frankly, if someone yelling "meany" at me was enough to scare me away, I would never open my mouth). When people attack in such a way, the result is that I'm more likely to think poorly of them rather than of myself. There are times, in such exchanges where I have thought poorly of myself, though. Not because someone called me an idiot or mocked me, but because, afterwards, I felt that maybe I came on too strong or didn't present my position as well as I could have.

Anyway, while the goal of these people was to make me hate myself, what it actually did was illustrate, in a very real way, how scared people are of being challenged and how unprepared they are to deal with someone who doesn't share their views. 

This woman has thousands of followers. So among all these thousands of supporters, one little contrary tweet was enough to make them feel threatened and like they had to go on the immediate attack. Wow.  

Even though this went on for a while and consisted of a lot of people demanding I answer their questions and give specific reasons for my opinion (which I willingly did), every time I answered or gave any reasons as to why I thought the way I did I was unfailingly met with retorts such as "oh well you're just stupid." And that was their entire argument. They demand I back up and support my position but feel they don't need to do the same and that is unacceptable. No one should be able to demand someone back up their position if they aren't willing to do the same. And if this person provides you with information and you refuse to make your argument anything other than "you're stupid and I'm right because I say so" you absolutely do not get to dismiss their evidence. If you're not willing to defend your position, you can't mock someone's else's legitimate attempt to do so.

Keeping that in mind, I want to draw your attention to a specific exchange with one user that really opened my eyes to how much of a problem this is.

Now, right off the bat she was aggressive and in attack mode just after my initial tweet. She tweeted some random string of words that was meant to be rude but made no coherent sense. I still don't know what in the world she was trying to say. So I just said  "that doesn't make any sense." And her reply that what I had said didn't make any sense either, blah, blah, blah. I was pretty sure I had made sense though because I seemed to have flipped a switch with a lot of people. If I hadn't made any sense, it shouldn't have had such a reaction. So my guess was that I had mad sense, she just didn't approve of my opinion. If I hadn't made sense, there was no reason for her to be so angry. To which her response was that people like me could never make her angry. But that response contradicted everything she had previously said. It did something to her because she felt the need to viciously attack me for it. I still say she was angry.

So, after more tweets, she said she was only rude "to people like me" as if that justified anything. And all I had done at this point was present an opinion that she did not like. So she literally said she was only rude to people who did not think like her. 

Well, what I'm getting to with all this was eventually, it got to the point where instead of blasting random insults, she started asking me questions and one question she asked was if I tweeted about people who were killed for being black. I did not know what people she was referring to, so I asked her to specify. Her response was Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. Two cases where it has been proven that they were not killed because they were black. This is not the popular thing to think if you're a liberal progressive however. But facts are facts and the facts dictate that these two were not shot because of their skin color, they were shot in self defense. 

My response was: Mike Brown was not shot because he was black. The evidence from the scene and autopsy report proved that.

And do you know what she responded? Do you KnOw?

Look what her response was!

"Ohhhhh you're one of those people"??????? "Those" people? What people is she talking about? People who don't disregard facts because they don't correspond to what I want to believe? One of those people who let's facts dictate their opinion and not the other way around? One of those people who will believe the evidence and the autopsy (a completely unbiased procedure) over social opinions? One of those people who does research before I assume everything is about race? She failed to give any further explanation other than that. But I have to say, I am proud to be one of "those" people. 

And this ridiculous from that girl is really why I wanted to write this post. This is what it has come down to. People who look into things by themselves without taking at face value what the liberal media tells them, people who accept the facts of a situation even when they don't support their own opinions, people who don't let the majority tell them what to think are looked down on. We are now called one of "those" people. 

It's meant to be derogatory, but what it really means is you are one of those people who look at situations objectively and use facts and logic to back up your assertions so there's no way I can debate you because I just use insults and emotions and I feel intimated.

Because I don't believe BLM and CNN when they say "oh an innocent, unarmed black child was killed by a racist white cop when his hands were up just because he was black" when the eyewitnesses, autopsy and physical evidence from the scene prove that statement to be false, I am one of "those" people.

Well, all I can say I am proud to be one of "those" people.

So once she saw that I actually knew what I was talking about and believes that evidence is evidence whether you're black or white and not a brainwashed social justice warrior, she disappeared. I am just so baffled why believing facts now makes you a ridiculous person.

But, either way, I did get a laugh out of it.

Shortly after this, she deleted the tweet.

Maybe she realized how dumb it was. But the truth is it can never be unsaid. And I have it here forever now. She may have deleted it but it can still be seen.

And, folks, this is what it has come to. People are afraid of facts. We are not teaching people to defend what they believe, we are teaching them to attack when someone challenges their belief. We are teaching them they are right even when they are wrong. Even when the facts contradict them. And that girl is evidence of it.

Before I end this post, I want to add that every single person who attacked me and demanded I provide reasons for what I said and suggested I do research, when asked to the same, every single one replied "google it" and disappeared.

Are you kidding me? What is going on here? We have to teach people that if THEY make a claim, it is THEIR responsibility to provide evidence and support for that claim. If you are trying to convince me of something, it is not my job to research it for you. I already don't believe it and I know why I don't believe it. But if you can't tell me why you believe it, I'm not going to do research to support your opinion. I'm just going to assume you have no argument and no ground to stand on and leave feeling even more than before that I'm correct because not one of you provided a counterargument other than that I was stupid. And it's sad that we are at an age where google, a search engine, is the ultimate authority. It can be helpful in many cases, but telling someone to google your opinion in order to convince them that you're right is pathetic. You can find anything you want on google. It's the internet. You are only going to find what you look for. Typing in a generic phrase and getting a result doesn't prove you are right.

It's so sad to me that this is what we have come to as a society. Facts are irrelevant and google is God.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Why You Don't Need Feminism

Recently, I made a post about Mark Ruffalo's ridiculous and accusatory response to everyone who disagrees with him about feminism. Or, more specifically, the "I don't need feminism" internet phenomenon that was actually a response to the "I need feminism" internet phenomenon, but he had nothing to say about that one.

However, while writing that post, I decided I would look at some of these pictures of the "I need feminism" posts and see why they were so good, but they're not. They are beyond ridiculous and the fact that Mark Ruffalo thinks I'm an idiot because the modern feminism movement is absurd makes him an idiot.

So, to show you why these posts are ridiculous, I will show you some of these I need feminism signs and explain why it's stupid.

And the definition of feminism, for the purposes of this post, remains the same as the last thing it was last time I wrote on this subject.

Feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

Okay, so, without further ado, here I go.

I need feminism because I don't want my gender to make choices for me

The response to this is simple: it doesn't. Gender does not have a mind nor a conscious. It is incapable of thinking or making decisions. It's impossible for your gender to make your choices for you. The only one who makes your decisions is you. If you let your gender influence your decisions, that's YOUR problem and feminism won't help you with that. 

I need feminism because I considered not getting this photo taken because I'm not wearing make up.

I fail to see what feminism could do about that. Your low self esteem is not something feminism can fix. That's your issue that only you can do something about. Don't sit around and wait for feminism to march down the street with signs screaming their opinions about make up. Or maybe you want feminism to come put your make up on for you? Or talk you into not wearing make up? I'm so confused. Why is something that only affects you (your low self esteem and only feeling comfortable having pictures taken if you're wearing make up) a social issue? I don't care if you wear make up or not and neither does anyone else. Seriously. You are the only one. 

I need feminism because if you honk....I might fall off my bike!

Oh, honey. If you have such poor balance that a car horn would cause you to fall off your bike, then you really shouldn't be riding bikes. At least not around places where people drive cars. That's dangerous. Feminism can't give you better balance so you don't need feminism, you need practice. If you're around cars, chances are you're going to hear horns being honked a few times. Some people honk at other drivers for making traffic errors and we wouldn't want you to fall off your bike. So either don't ride around cars or learn to ride better. This really has nothing to do with feminism.

I need feminism because I'm tired of being called hysterical & over-sensitive

Well, if you are a hysterical and over-sensitive person, chances are you're going to be called that throughout your life. Those are something we call personality traits and feminism can't change your personality. What do you expect feminism to do about that? If you don't want to be called hysterical and over-sensitive maybe you should toughen up and learn to control yourself better. See what a difference that makes before deciding this is something society needs to fix for you.

I need feminism because at 7 years old, my little cousin wants to know why there is so much violence against women - and I have no answer for her.

Tell her this: the number of men and women in the world is about equal, which means women are approximately 50% of the world's population. With over 7 billion people on the planet, that means there are millions of women. Now, consider how many acts of violence are committed a year. Don't think about them in terms of violence against men or violence against women. Think of it as violence against people in general. Now, out of all those acts of violence, statistically speaking, women will be the victim at least half the time. The rest of the violence would be violence against men. But feminists of course don't care about that. Explain to her that people are flawed and when an act of violence is committed, sometimes the victim is female and sometime the victim is male. Sometime the perpetrator is male and sometimes the perpetrator is female. There is so much violence against women because people commit violent acts against each other and women are people. I don't condone violence, but I don't think violence against women is a separate issue than violence against people in general. But I don't know why you need feminism because you don't know the answer to a question. Just look it up or send your cousin to someone smarter than you.

I need feminism because too much of history was written by white, bourgeois, heterosexual, cisgender me....!

Clearly, you don't know this already, but feminism cannot change what happened in history or who took the initiative to write it down or make it happen. Feminism says they are all about equality but for some reason it's not cool to be heterosexual, cisgender, or a male because that's too...demeaning to women? Look, no one stopped women from participating in history but if a man did something important to history, I don't want to be lied to. I don't care what the gender of the historical figure is, I care what they did. Anti-feminists didn't stop women from doing anything and neither did men. There are hundreds of great women in history. Rosa Parks, Joan of Arc, Queen Elizabeth I, Anne Frank, Pocahontas, Sacagawea, Abigail Adams, Queen Victoria, Cleopatra, Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Elisabeth Elliot, Marie Curie, Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Mother Teresa, Harriet Tubman and Marie Antoinette to name a few. Don't say you need feminism because you're uneducated.

I need feminism because my vagina has a voice.

Gross. No it doesn't.

I need feminism because never having experienced street harassment shouldn't make feel unattractive. 

You're right, it shouldn't. But, once again, this is not a social issue, this is a personal issue. The problem is not that feminism isn't accepted by everyone; the problem is you have low self esteem and feminism won't change that! You have to change that. I mean, if that's why you need feminism, I think you will be very disappointed in feminism because it can't do a thing for your self esteem. And if that's your reason then I guess it's just as acceptable for me to say I don't need feminism because never having experienced street harassment doesn't make me feel unattractive at all. See how it's a personal thing and not a social issue?

I need feminism because my university is named after a man. need feminism because you chose to attend a school named after a man? What exactly do you expect feminism to do here? Change the name of the school? Pick out a different one for you? My suggestion is if you are unhappy with the name of your school either go to a different one or get over it. There are plenty of schools named after women if you prefer to go to one of those.

I need feminism because my period does not invalidate my opinion!

Well, let's think about that. If you are one of the many women whose period dramatically effects your mood and makes you sensitive and emotional and influences decisions you make, then I would say in some instances it does invalidate your opinion. If you are on your period, you are less likely to be rational and you have to take that into consideration. Feminism can't help you here. Your menstruation cycle won't change no matter what feminism says. It's not because you're a woman or have a period, it's because during the cycle, women can become moody and irrational.

I need feminism because some of my friends will laugh at me for doing this.

That's because this is silly and ridiculous. You are expecting feminism to fundamentally change human behavior and nature which it can't and won't do. You're wasting time with something stupid and it's laughable. Anyone who does this deserves to be laughed at. And feminism won't stop your friends from laughing at you. Feminism doesn't do anything. At all.

There are more of these out there and I haven't seen one that isn't ridiculous. In fact, some of them are so dumb don't be surprised if I make a part 2 to this post. Anyway, if you look, none of these cutsey signs (see what I did there?) have anything do to with the definition of feminism. They all just want feminism to make themselves feel better about being weak and stupid. But all these things are exactly why we don't need feminism! Feminism is what is fooling these people into thinking any of these things are actual problems. Feminism is what is telling people they are oppressed but it's just not true. If people would use their brains this wouldn't be happening.

Modern feminism is a joke and these people are the punch line.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Retail Rant

If you've ever worked in retail, or currently work in retail, you know why it's awful. If you have never had the experience of working in retail, you almost certainly have been a customer at a retail business. Working retail is not a glamorous job. The hours suck, the pay sucks and the customers suck. Now, I know every customer isn't an annoying jerk. Some are very pleasant people who treat you like a human being rather than their servant. Those who acknowledge that they are equal with you and not above you are wonderful and I genuinely enjoy helping them and doing everything I can to make their experience with the business a pleasant one. Thank you for being a good customer.

But, unfortunately, there are as many nasty customers as there are pleasant ones, sometimes even more. And if you don't know if you're one of the customers retail workers hate, you're about to find out. And, really, it shouldn't be news to you. If you are the kind of person who will throw a temper tantrum and yell at a cashier to get whatever you want, we all hate you. We do not value your business. People treat retail workers this way more often than should be acceptable. Pay attention and you will see it happening. As a retail worker, I can say it happens all the time.

I have always hated the phrase "the customer is always right". It's complete crap. The customer is NOT always right. In fact, the customer is almost always wrong. What this phrase does is say the customer can verbally abuse an employee and throw a fit/temper tantrum to get whatever they want. Even if it's against store policy, even if it's going to make a cashier's drawer short at the end of the day. People scream and verbally abuse cashiers to get discounts, or something for free and it sucks that those of you who do that get more free stuff than the kind, considerate people who actually deserve it. Anyone who will actually stoop so low as to verbally abuse someone to get a few dollars off of something is a piece of trash.

In this post, I will attempt to instruct you on how to properly treat retail workers, who, believe it or not, are actually human beings. I wouldn't be doing this at all of if there weren't so many of you who treat retail workers like they are beneath you. I will also talk about how not to be an incredibly inconvenient customer. So, pay attention. Some of you might learn something.

1. Paying with a $100 bill
Sometimes, this is acceptable. Other times, it is incredibly inconvenient for the cashier. Please try and remember that the cash register is not an endless money box. If you are going to insist on paying with such a large bill, it would be considerate of you to make sure the cashier can break it first. This is especially true if your total is $20 or less. Like, why are you even paying with such a huge bill for such a small amount? You are not the only person paying with that bill and it's ridiculous to make a cashier pull out $97 in change for a $3 purchase. Please try to remember you are not the only customer. You don't have to pay with such a huge bill. Before you go to the store where you are only going to buy one thing, stop at a bank and get change for crying out loud. I have so many people pay with large bills for small purchases and it is so incredibly annoying. And some people are so rude about it. I once had  a man buy something that totaled to $20 and payed with $100. Now, my manager had just come to my register and done a cash pick up, and the person before him had paid with $100, so I was relatively low on cash needed to make large amounts in change. I tried to make the $80 with the fewest bills I could, but it would have taken basically all the large bills I had left and you don't want to be stuck at a register with not even a ten or twenty for change. I politely asked him if he, by any chance, had a smaller bill and he said no. So I just gave him all the bills I could without leaving my drawer relatively empty so I had to throw a couple of fives and like five ones in there as he complained about how "ridiculous" it was that I "didn't even have $80 in the cash register" and then, after I gave him his change, whining to the customers behind him because he didn't like the bills used for his change. First, he whines because I "don't have $80" and then he whines because he didn't like the bills I had available at the time he paid with a large amount. But I had just given my manager most of the money from my drawer, as I'm supposed to, the customer right after that got a small total and paid with $100 so making large amounts in change with just 20's wasn't possible at the time. So maybe next time you have a total of $30 or less and you decide to give the cashier one hundred dollars, don't throw a temper tantrum because you get back more bills than you like. We have what we have. You don't know what's happened before you, so if you're not going to make sure they can break it, don't make a scene because they had to give you a few smaller bills to make the change. It's not worth it. Like, why? Whining doesn't put more money in the drawer, it just makes you a jerk.

2. Tapping/Snapping for attention
I should not have to tell you that this is rude. Retail workers are not dogs, they are not servants. They are people. You don't snap at people for their attention. Retail employees assist you, they don't answer to you. I can't even begin to describe how annoying this is. I work inside a small booth that is surrounded on three sides by glass windows. Sometimes, I have to do something that is not within a customer's line of vision. If a customer walks up and immediately doesn't see me, they are knocking on the window. Sometimes they knock on the window if my head is turned in the other direction. If I am right in front of them but writing something down, they knock on the window. Sometimes they knock on the window as they are walking up before they even get to the front. There is literally no reason on earth for this. For gosh sakes have a little patience. It has gotten to the point where if people start knocking on the glass for my attention, I intentionally take a few extra seconds with whatever I am doing. You can wait. We know you're there. We will help you. But sometimes, if we are in the middle of something, you might have to wait two or three seconds. Get over it. Believe it or not, helping you is not the only job I have. If you approach and don't immediately see someone, chances are we're not hiding from you. We are actually busy with something/someone else at the moment. Don't knock windows, whistle, or snap your fingers for an employees attention. Just don't.

3. Being on the phone
It's amazingly ridiculous that after all this time, people still don't understand proper phone etiquette. So, here is a lesson from a minimum wage retail employee to you: don't walk up to the register on your phone. Don't make a busy cashier stand and there and wait for you to be paying attention so they can check you out. It's very rude to be on the phone when someone is trying to help you. If you walk up to my register and expect me to do things for you while you are babbling along on your phone and not paying attention to me, I am going to talk to you as if you aren't on the phone. I'm going pretend the phone isn't there and if you miss hearing something, or don't understand after the transaction is through, don't whine at me. I informed you of everything. You just weren't paying attention because you were on your phone. Here's an idea: if you aren't done on the phone, don't walk up to the register!  Or if you insist on walking up to the register before you're done on the phone, have the person on the phone wait, or call them back for crying out loud. It's not rocket science, people! It's common courtesy. Well, it should be common.

4. Complaining to a cashier about prices
Did you know that the employees of a retail business have zero say in the pricing of products? Some of you act like everyone who works at a business, cashiers and everyone else, sits in a back room and votes on the prices of individual items. That doesn't happen. What happens is we ring up the items you buy. We don't make the prices and we can't change them for you. If you think it's too expensive, don't tell a cashier, just don't buy the stupid thing. Telling a cashier does absolutely nothing! We don't go up to the manager at the end of the day and report to them what items you feel are too much money. We just clock out and go home glad to finally get away from you. Complaining to a cashier about it does as much good as complaining to your mailman about it. We may work there, but we don't own it. We just ring up your groceries. We have nothing to do with the prices. And just know, even if you think it's too expensive, plenty of other people are still buying it without complaining so if you think it's too expensive, we really don't care. At all. If it's too much for you, don't complain. We're not going to change the price just because you don't want to spend that much. Just go somewhere else.

5. It wouldn't hurt you to listen 
While retail workers can't just give you anything you want as if you are some superior human being (which, if you haven't gotten it yet, you're not), we do have some information we can share with you. If you are going to complain to a cashier listen to the answer! I cannot stress this enough. Too many times those of you who are whiny entitled jerks complain to a cashier about something you don't like.  Then, when we try to explain what happened, or tell you what you need to do to fix it, or (as is usually the case) explain why we did nothing wrong and it's your mistake (politely, of course), you complain over our response so that we have to try and get you to understand five or six times! You never let us finishing telling you what the solution is! What is up with that? It's become really obvious that you don't want a solution, you just want to yell at someone because you messed up and now want everything for free. We have policies, we have procedures, I can't just hand you free stuff. That's not how shopping works. If you make a mistake, we can usually fix it, but you have to let us talk! It may not be the solution you want, but that's not my problem, it's yours. It's not my policy, it's the stores policy. I can't change it for you. So instead of whining about it, put on your grown up pants and deal with it like an adult. Keep in mind that the louder you scream the less I care about your problem and the less likely I am to help you or do anything for you. You can scream until your throat is sore but I won't bend over backwards for a jerk like you.

6. Being nasty to an employee
This sort of goes hand in hand with the above section, but I'm going to add more here because those of you who do this need to get it through your thick skulls. It's like when you walk into a store or business, you think you've suddenly become some kind of god we all must worship. But that is not the case. The case is you are in a store with other people who are equal with you and you are not more important than anyone else in the store, even the employees. Employees are supposed to be nice and polite no matter how much of a pig you are, but we are not required to take abuse or to give you whatever you demand. We may be smiling and apologizing throughout your temper tantrum, but what we are really thinking about you is much less friendly. Inside, we are flipping you off, calling you every vulgar word that you are emanating and hating you with a passion. We are pleased and cry hallelujah when you say you are never coming back. If you throw a temper tantrum, you don't know what you're not getting. If you are nasty to me because you screwed up and I can't fix it, then I am actually withholding information from you and you will never know. There may some options you have if you really need what you are yelling about, but because you are yelling and not listening, you will never know. I will apologize for your screw up and pretend that I care but if there's something that could be done about it, I'm not telling you. I'm not sharing any alternatives with you. You can stand there and yell at me but just know I am less likely to give you any helpful information if you do that and you will leave as much of an idiot as ever and thank god if I never see you again. You never know what we are not telling you or what we are thinking about you because of your vile behavior. We may be smiling and apologetic, but when you are gone you just get called a bunch of names and become a joke with all the employees.

7. Being the ungrateful regular
There's one (or several) at every business. The person who comes in all the time and always gets the same thing. 99% of the time things go smoothly and they don't even say thank you. Then, every once in a while something goes wrong and they waste no time in immediately complaining and calling you incompetent. Yeah, we hate you. And, usually, customer, if something goes wrong, it's not our fault. Sometimes a machine isn't working and I'm sorry you don't like that but that happens sometimes. Get over it. And sometimes you screw up and then yell at us because you are unhappy that you made a mistake. And somehow that makes it my fault. Do you understand that no one who works at the business likes you and we all cringe when you come in? We do. And it's your fault.

8. Threatening to never return
Tons of you do this and none of you understand so let me clear it up: as a minimum wage hourly employee who has to work wether you show up or not, we do not care if you never come back. We won't even notice if you never walk in the door in again. If you are whining and complaining, we are praying you never come back. We don't want you there. No one wants to help you. Everyone wants you gone. Your "threat" isn't a threat at all but rather a blessing to each and every employee you imagine you have the right to verbally abuse. Half of you end up coming back anyway so this threat literally means nothing to us. My paycheck doesn't decrease if you don't come in the door. I am working for my paycheck not for you and it makes my day more pleasant if you don't come back. I'm not threatened by you never returning because it doesn't make one ounce of difference to my job. You think you're more important than you actually are and when you say you're never coming back it's such a relief to me because the trash is taking itself out.

These are some of the things that bother me the most about retail customers. There are hundreds of other things customers do that they really shouldn't, but if I mentioned them all this post would never end.

But my point here is to try and help people see that being a customer at a retail business doesn't mean you are superior to all the employees and can have whatever you want. Yes, it's our job to help you and try to make your experience an easy and pleasant one but you must understand that we are still people and yelling and screaming at them is rude and makes people not want to help you and you can be asked to leave. Businesses have policies and we have to follow them. You, as a customer, have to respect them. We will do everything we can for you as long as it's something our policy allows us to do. If you don't like that, don't be a customer.

Mark Ruffalo is an Idiot

Have you seen that before? If you have, you will probably know that this was written about a year ago and it may be old news to you, but, it's the internet. It's still out there and people are still reading it. If you haven't seen that before, it was written by Mark Ruffalo on his official tumblr. You can see it on his tumblr for yourself here.

The reason I am doing a post on it is because so many people have seen it and there are so many things wrong with it that I can't just sit here and let him write an extremely rude, ignorance filled post aimed at people who disagree with him, such as myself. This post may be a bit long, so let's get right into it.

First, if you're not sure what he is responding to, a few months before he posted this, there was something going around the internet where people were responding to the modern feminist movement by taking pictures of themselves holding signs explaining why they were not feminists and posting them on the internet, as seen in the following photos.

Here are a few examples to what Mr. Ruffalo was responding to, though there are plenty more out there if you are interested in looking. In his own words, he thinks all these women are "ignorant little jerks" because they don't agree with him. Strong, independent women who don't believe they are oppressed or weak are jerks, according to him. Not very pro modern feminism if you ask me. But that's just the beginning. 

Now to address the post itself.

This is the first thing he wrote and he's already lost my respect and shown he's just a typical liberal feminist. The first thing they do when someone disagrees with them is say we have no idea what we're talking about and refuse to explain it to us. I've had several of these people tell me I don't know what a word means, don't understand what something is because my opinion is different from theirs, don't know what feminism, racism, sexism, etc is but have yet to have one single person give me a definition. 

They are quick to say we don't know what something is, but refuse to define anything so we can make sure we are on the same page. They prefer to just call names and say we are stupid. But, you know, when someone tells me I don't know what something is just because I don't share their viewpoint and then refuse to explain what they think I'm ignorant of, my first thought is they themselves don't know what it means. If I am in a discussion with someone and want to validate my position, if you don't seem to know what the issue even is, the first thing I am going to do is explain it to you so we can have a rational discussion and both know exactly what we are talking about. I will not say you clearly don't know what the basic foundation of this discussion is and I'm not going to tell you but here's my opinion on it. 

Elementary mistake here. He won't define his terms (which you should always do when speaking on a topic this broad), but he'll rant on about how stupid we are for disagreeing with him when he hasn't even explained what it is I'm supposed to disagree with! He didn't define what he meant by feminism so how does he know we disagree with it? This makes me think Mr. Ruffalo doesn't know what feminism is because he won't (can't?) explain it. 

So, google it. Great advice. Google is the ultimate authority on things like this because whatever results you get from google are automatically correct. If you don't know what feminism is, google it, because that will clear everything up. That's obviously what Mark Ruffalo did before writing this stupid rant. And I'm not "the liberal babysitter" but I'm going to define my terms anyway because that's what we do in a rational discussion/debate. 

That being the case, since Mark uses google to as his resource, I will use it to look up feminism as he suggested so that we all know what we're talking about. Since he suggested we google it, I'm assuming he is basing his rant off of the definition provided by google which is:

Feminism: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

Now that we all know what feminism is, let's move on. 

Wow, just wow. It's now obvious that Mark Ruffalo doesn't know what feminism is. And he is loudly showing off his ignorance on the matter. I don't see how of the signs the women made saying why they didn't need feminism showed how they were for or against any of these things. 

He is saying because I don't believe being cat called is oppression and leads to rape, that I don't want women to have access to birth control and that I don't want domestic violence to be a crime. Because I don't believe we live in a rape culture I am against voting rights for women and I'm not against marital rape. Because I don't appreciate modern day feminism, I support work place harassment. 

That is quite the attack. He is making a lot of serious accusations towards a lot of people, including many women. And he is not even talking about what the movement has become, he's talking about what it was when there were real inequality problems such as women not having the right to vote. But that's not what feminism is today. Feminism today is so petty and the problems aren't real. They blow things out of proportion all the time. A woman can be CEO today or President. How is there a war on women? How are they oppressed? Women today just want to be able to walk down the street naked and pretend it's going to stop rape. And that's what feminism today. It seems to me that Mark has this all backwards. In my opinion, to be a modern day feminist and whine because you of the questions you get asked in interviews or female movie stars who make millions of dollars a year saying it's not enough because men make more is an insult to the feminists who came before you. It's an insult to the women who fought for your right to vote and to work outside the home. What they fought for was equal rights, what you're fighting for is entitlement. 

As we saw in the definition, feminism is about equality of men and women, not the empowerment of women. And all feminists do nowadays is talk about bad things are for women and you never hear them say anything about the problems men face. Men get raped. Men face sexism. But all feminists care about is how things are for women. And that's why I'm not a feminist. I want equality for both sexes, not entitlement for one. And that doesn't mean I don't think women should vote and I don't appreciate rape crisis centers or support domestic violence as the ignorant Mark Ruffalo would have you believe. 

Then, once again, he tells us that we don't know what we're talking about and tries to minimize a whole belief by referring to the pictures as "cutsey signs". You know, there are hundreds of people out there who held "cutsey signs" saying why they needed feminism and posted a picture on the internet but Mr. Ruffalo didn't say anything about them. Apparently, if the signs are pro feminist, they are a good way to spread the word and help women everywhere, but if they are anti-feminist, they are "cutsey".

Mark goes on to say because we don't agree with the liberal idea of feminism that we are spitting in the face of the feminist movement of hundreds of years ago that brought equal rights to women which is complete crap. Just because I disagree with you, doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about or that I support violence against women. In fact, it is because I know what feminism is that I disagree with you. Not the other way around. 

                             In short, kiss my ass, you ignorant little jerks.

Ah, there it is. It just wouldn't be a good ignorant liberal argument without the name calling thrown in there somewhere. Good thing he got it in there at the end, though. But, yeah, anyone who dare disagree with him (when he won't even tell us what he's talking about) is an "ignorant little jerk." Well, Mr. Ruffalo, I say you are an ignorant enormous jerk. And I am not saying that because I disagree with you on feminism. I am saying that because of the rude, demeaning, unresearched, idiotic, accusatory way you presented your pathetically weak argument. You intentionally insulted thousands of men and women because they don't agree with your idea of feminism. You just told all of us that because our opinion is different from yours we are insulting, undermining, degrading and spitting on the movement that helped violence against women, that gave us voting rights and jobs. You have told us that because we don't agree with you, we are okay with rape. 

It is you, Mark, who is the one who is being insulting, undermining and degrading. You are the ignorant one in this scenario. I don't mind being called a jerk by someone whose opinion of me I couldn't care less about - Mark Ruffalo is not important to me in the slightest. But I do mind you saying that everyone who disagrees with you is undermining rape, sexual assault, marital rape, voting rights, and access to birth control just because we want men and women to be equal and don't think cat calling warrants a public protest. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Dear Nicole Arbour

I'm warning you now that what I'm posting about today is something that has made me very angry, so if you don't want to read a post that seems like there is anger and frustration flowing throughout it, it might be best for you not to read this one. I'm going to try to contain myself but I'm not making any promises because once I get my thoughts flowing I never know what's going to happen. 

I don't know if you've ever heard of Nicole Arbour, but she is basically a Jenna Marbles wannabe youtuber. She's pretty irrelevant in the world of youtube and I've only just learned about her existence myself because of a video of hers that has gone viral. This video, as you may or may not have heard about or seen, is entitled Dear Fat People. And it only gets worse from there.

I am going to post the video here, not because I want people to watch it or because I want to give her views, but because, if you choose, you can see what I'm talking about and form your own opinion and I also believe it will help me give a better response and enable you to follow along better. So many people have already seen this video. It has millions of views and, honestly, I believe she is quite pleased with the views it has and I truly believe that at this point, since it has so many views already, not watching it isn't really going to make that much of a difference. What is going to make a difference is speaking out.

Before I dive into everything wrong with what she did in that video, let me tell you something about her. She thinks she is quite the comedian. She is constantly reminding us in her videos, in her bio, on twitter (I only know this because I've seen her everywhere the past few days, not because I follow her, which I don't and won't) that what she does is comedy because she is a comedian. Even if she wasn't a horrific bully that right there would make me dislike her. First off, she knows nothing about comedy or being a comedian. If you have to constantly remind people that you're a comedian, you're doing something wrong. Secondly, she's not funny. If you're not funny, you're not a comedian. And she likes to tell people that if we get offended or don't find her humorous, the problem is that we don't have a sense of humor or get jokes and are trying to kill comedy. It couldn't possibly that she's just not funny. At all. And I know a lot of what is and is not funny is subjective, but if you are at the point where you are calling yourself a comedian, that's saying a lot. People who are comedians don't just wake up one day and decide they are a comedian. It's a career that takes work. People have to learn how to do a comedy routine. They have to learn how to present jokes and what is and is not good and appropriate material. It's a lot of work. You can't just proclaim yourself a comedian because you think you're funny and make stupid youtube videos. A few people here and there might find her horrific "jokes" funny and she may think she's the bees knees but that doesn't make her a comedian and I think it's insulting to real comedians that she considers herself one of them. And, really, if you look around, more people hate her than are entertained by her. Doesn't sound too great for someone who is such an awesome comedian. 

So, this post will probably take a while because I found basically every sentence disgusting and drowning in ignorance and I want to address as many of them as I can. And, as will you notice, I am paraphrasing most of the sentences just to show what I am responding to because I don't think it's necessary for me to write her script word for word, especially since I have posted the video itself.

1. Dear fat people....some people are already really mad about this video. What are you going to do fat people? Chase me? It's going to be like f------- Frankenstein.* Not so fast. Zombies have apparently gotten faster....

This is a poor intro for various reasons but the flaws that are most obvious to me is starting out with a statement that she knows is offensive, acknowledges that she knows it's offensive and then, instead of continuing with the point of the video, added insult to injury and mocked the physical abilities of overweight people. Then, she dramatically veered off topic talking about Frankenstein and zombies for no reason whatsoever. So, here's the thing about that, that is an incredibly poor introduction for someone who considers themselves a comedian and I think real comedians would cringe at it. Not just because it was in poor taste, but because its's a very bad way to begin a comedy routine. You don't begin something with an inflammatory statement, tell people you know they are mad, use the very next sentence to mock them and then get distracted and start talking about a TV show. That's not how you engage an audience, that's how you enrage an audience. So far, all you have done is said some cruel words at their expense and then rambled on about nothing, completely disregarding anything your audience may be feeling at the moment. So you're video has barely started and everyone pretty much already hates you and it's your own fault.

2. Fat shaming is not a thing. Fat people made that up. That's the race card with no race.

Fat shaming is not a thing? How low does your I.Q. have to be to actually believe that people can't be made to feel ashamed of their weight if they are being mocked and belittled because of it? I'm sure you've heard of body shaming? How does this not fall into that? You are mocking someone because of the way their body is. If you are bullying someone because you think they are fat, that's fat shaming. You are shaming them for being fat. The definition is in the phrase. You can be shamed for anything and everything. All that has to happen for it to be a thing is for someone to do it and Nicole Arbour just proved fat shaming is definitely a thing. And now she brings race into it? There is no reason to compare the two because they are both separate issues.

3. ...That means you're too fat. You should stop eating.

This next point is very important. Never ever tell people to stop eating. Nicole Arbour is the poster child for ignorance of physical health. She is telling people who are overweight that the reason they are overweight is because they eat too much and the way to fix that is to stop eating. She is literally telling them to be skinny, not healthy. I don't care how overweight you are or what the reason for it is,  but not eating is the worst advice you can give to anyone about losing weight. You should never stop eating in order to lose weight. That is not how you lose weight. It's actually a very dangerous way to try and lose weight and if Nicole Arbour wasn't an idiot and had done even the tiniest amount of research before uploading her video, she would know that. And it's almost worse that she calls this a joke. Nicole, this "joke" could end up causing people to put themselves in danger. Calling it a joke doesn't make it okay to say. Jokes can be cruel, as you have shown us.

4. There's a race card, a disability card and a gay card because gay people are discriminated against and wrongfully so.

Now she's bringing gay rights into it. She's jumping all over the place, touching on a lot of important, controversial social issues and making little to no sense. Everything she says is grounded in embarrassing ignorance. I don't even know what she means by "a card". She's trying to show she's for equality while belittling and dehumanizing an entire body type. So, according to her, it's not okay to mock and laugh at people because of their sexuality and race, but it's totally okay to do that if they're fat because it's "comedy"? This girl does not get to pick who does and does not get a "card" based on who she decides is discriminated against. This is where we get to see what a hypocrite she is because if someone made a video like this about any of the those types of people she mentioned above, she would think that was mean and in poor taste and absolutely inappropriate. But I say if people like Nicole Arbour are going to treat people like this and talk about them that way because of their weight, they absolutely get a card despite anything this ignorant bully says. She has no idea what she's talking about. She knows nothing about discrimination or health and is proud of it.

5. Are you going to tell the doctor that they're being "mean" and "fat shaming" you when they tell you have heart disease?

Wow. She is literally parading around her stupidity and proud of it. I hardly know where to begin with this. For one thing, no one is accusing doctors of fat shaming. We're accusing her of fat shaming.  What she is doing and what doctors do are completely different. I don't even know why she brought them up. It doesn't justify what she's doing at all. If a doctor tells you that you have heart disease, that's not mocking and belittling you because they think you're fat. They are informing you of a health condition. She is mocking and belittle people for being fat. So, Nicole, despite what doctors do, YOU are fat shaming. You aren't informing people they have heart disease after performing a medical exam. You haven't spent years studying in medical school and are therefore qualified to make a diagnosis. You made a video where you dehumanize and viciously mock people for being overweight and then call it satire. So, no, Nicole, I would not say a doctor would be mean or fat shaming by informing someone they have heart disease. I would say you are mean and fat shaming for casting shame on people who are overweight and assume the only possible reason is eating too much food. It's like you never matured past the age of 14.

6. If there's people watching this with a specific health condition, this is not aimed at you. I'm talking about the 35% of North Americans who are obese

Oh, she's not talking about people with specific health conditions? Oh, good! Wow, she really redeemed herself here! I was thinking she was bullying all fat people, even people who have health conditions that cause them to gain weight. But as long as she is only bullying people who are overweight and don't have health conditions, then I am totally fine with that. Because it doesn't matter   that you are bullying people, it only matters who you are bullying. If people are fat not because of a health condition it's absolutely okay to bully them.

Nicole, I don't know how else to phrase this except for that you're an idiot. You literally just took a jab at people with heart disease and then in the very next sentence said you weren't talking about them. But you were just aiming your cruel words at people with heart disease! You can't tell why a person is overweight just by looking at them. You are assuming most people are fat because they overeat but if you cared to educate yourself on this just a little bit (and you really should) you would find that most people do not become obese because they are greedy and gluttonous. There are a million things that can cause weight gain and if a big part of it is eating, eating that much food is usually a symptom of a deeper problem that is probably psychological and taking away food won't fix it. So shut up you ignorant jerk before you do some real damage.

7. Big boned isn't a thing. How stupid do I look?

Um, actually Nicole, big boned IS a thing. It's not a medical term and the only difference it would make in weight is a couple of pounds, but it's real. No, it doesn't cause people to be overweight but it absolutely exists. And it's not about how stupid you look, it's about how stupid you actually are. You are literally the least educated person I've seen on physical health and you are doing a video acting like you're some expert. But every word out of your mouth is based in error and narrow minded thinking and your reasoning is extremely weak and dramatically flawed.

8. Yes, shame people who have bad habits until they stop. If we offend you so much that you lose weight, I'm okay with that.

Shame people who have bad habits until they stop. Is this girl for real? So, Nicole, if I shame you for your bad habit of bullying people and calling it comedy, will you stop? Didn't think so. You know why? Because as most people understand, shaming the way someone looks doesn't do anything helpful! If you shame people for being fat, that doesn't help them become healthy. In fact, as studies have shown and just basically living on earth, when you shame people for being fat, it actually causes them to become even more unhealthy and gain more weight. You are not helping, you are hurting. Bullying people has never helped anyone get better. Mocking someone is not how you help them stop a certain behavior. And even if someone did lose weight because they were mocked about it so much, I would be concerned. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to lose weight. Even if you are overweight it matters how you lose it and people who are typically shamed and bullied into losing weight do not do it in healthy ways and that's dangerous. You are not helping people be healthy this way. All you are doing is going to make them more unhealthy by either gaining weight or losing it in a way that hazardous to their health. But what do you care as long you don't have to look at their fat, right? You goal should not be to offend people into losing weight. That is disgusting. When people hear others mocking and laughing at them because of their weight, they aren't inspired to lose weight and be healthy. They just hate themselves and think of themselves as garbage. You just said if you bully people so much that they lose weight, not caring how or why it's done as long as they lose weight, then you're okay with that. You shouldn't be okay with that.

9. Obesity is a disease? Yeah, so is being a shopaholic but I don't get a parking pass. Fat people parking spots should at the back of the parking lot. Walk to the door and lose some calories.

Wow, wrong again. Obesity is a disease and being a shopaholic is not. I can barely stand the ignorance of this woman. If you knew anything, you would know that obesity is not just caused by overeating and can't be cured by just burning calories. You are literally hurting people with your ignorance. There are no "fat people" parking spots. There are handicapped parking spots for people who have all sorts of different handicaps. Obesity can be considered a handicap because, chances are, if you are obese, there are probably some other health issues going on there that Nicole, if she wasn't an idiot, would know can't be fixed by not eating and losing calories.

10. your family and friends crying because they lost you too soon because you needed to have a coke plus fries.

Once again assuming that obesity is caused by nothing more than disregarding healthy eating habits. Once again, showing off how dumb she is.

11. The most obese person got to the front of the line because they said their knees were hurting. I only came an hour early like I was supposed to but you overeat let me help you.

Remember when I said you can't tell why someone is overweight by looking at them? Yeah, that's still true. So, everyone, if you have a health condition, she's not talking to you but if she sees you on the street, she's going to assume you overeat and internally mock and judge you. What a jerk. And then she proceeds to describe their fat in the most inconsiderate, cruel terms she can think of. All in an effort to make people laugh. Ha. Ha.

12. So I wait an extra ten, fifteen, twenty minutes. Now I'm not going to have time to get Starbucks.

You poor, mistreated individual. An extra twenty minutes? No Starbucks? I can't imagine what you must be going through right now.

13. Now I'm getting felt up by security because I'm always selected. Brown people, it's me and you on that.

Yeah, in case you're not enough of a jerk already, why don't you racially profile brown people?

14. So I'm finally in my seat and then the stewardess asks me "hi we have a disabled passenger would you mind switching seats?" And because I'm not an asshole I'm like "oh yes of course." Oh look, it's fat family. Jabba the son sits right beside me.

Wait, how are you not an asshole? This whole video all you have done is be an asshole. You mean you're not an asshole unless the person is fat? Sorry, but that makes you a legitimate asshole. Because now you are picking on fat children. You are the poster child for assholes.

15. His fat was on my lap. It was actually on my lap. I took the handle and I squished it down and said "my seat, your seat." I actually took his fat and pushed it into his seat and I held it. He was fine. He was just fat.

HOW DO YOU KNOW? DID HE GIVE YOU A RECORD OF HIS MEDICAL HISTORY? And this is coming from someone who just said she wasn't an asshole. Man, if this what you're like when you think you're not an asshole, I'd hate to see what you're like when you think you are one.

16. Yes, genetics plays a part in things to a degree, of course.

Oh, please don't get into genetics like you know anything about them. You clearly have no knowledge of this whatsoever and everything you say is just clouded in error. Don't go into genetics. You don't want to give people another reason to think you're an idiot. We have plenty of reasons already.

17. And I'm not saying all this to be an asshole, I'm saying this because your friends should be saying it to you.

No, your friends should not be saying this to you and if they are, they're not your friends. And I don't care why she thinks she's saying it, all she is doing is being an asshole. That's it.

18. The truth is I will actually love you no matter what.

Yeah, actions speak louder than words, asshole. And you just showed us that you won't.

19. I really hope this bomb of truth exploding into your face...will seep into your soul and makes you want to be healthier so we can enjoy you as human beings longer on this planet.

I hate this ending so much. And here's why: this is not a bomb of truth! This is a bomb of cruelty and ignorance. She said no truth whatsoever. All she said in this video is that you're fat because you eat too much and there's no such thing as bullying fat people. What kind of truth is that? And bullying does not make people want to be healthier. It never has and it never will.

I really could have delved more into it and I skipped a lot of things she said. Mostly I just skipped her comparing to fat to things that make no sense and crappy act outs but I think I got the most important things in there.

But now I want to say Nicole is, understandably, receiving a lot of backlash for this hateful video and she is trying to mask what it is really doing and excuse it by calling it comedy. Bullying people for entertainment reasons doesn't make it okay. I don't care if you think it's comedy. This comedy sucks and is inappropriate. Calling it a joke doesn't make it any better. You can't mask atrocious hate by saying you are only hating on people because you care about them. That's a load of crap. What you did in that video was not caring and since we aren't idiots like you are, we're not falling for it.

And then she says she doesn't care what we think or if we are offended but that's not true. Know why? Because she disabled the comments on this video and made another video to tell us all how much she doesn't care that we are offended. But if you take so much time telling people how much you don't care, it kinda seems like you do care. A lot. And you should care. You are trying to entertain an audience, right? Trying to make people laugh? Well if you don't care how your audience is receiving your "comedy" you aren't going to have much of an audience. I hope you continue "not caring" because eventually you'll have to delete your channel because nobody watches it and we won't be subjected to your embarrassing ignorance anymore. And she is learning that disabling comments doesn't keep people from speaking out.

But those are my thoughts and Nicole Arbour and her video, scattered though they may be. I just could not keep silent after seeing something as awful as that. When you put a video on youtube, anyone can see it, including children. And no, she's not responsible for what children see, but she is responsible for bullying them.

*I wanted to address this Frankenstein nonsense. Nicole is clearly an idiot and getting this literary reference wrong doesn't help her case. She tries to mock fat people by saying they run like Frankenstein. But what she would know if she wasn't stupid is that Frankenstein is not the monster. Frankenstein is the doctor who created the monster. So I don't know why she thinks he runs slowly. And his monster is not a zombie. She can't even get the parts where she's trying to be funny right.